Is it normal for a 4 year old to not be potty trained? Percentage of children potty trained by age

Is it normal for a 4 year old to not be potty trained?

In The Comprehensive Guide To Potty Training we provide statistics on various potty training issues that parents are eager to learn to ensure their child does not fall behind peers. Parents often want to know the average age to start and complete potty training. While these statistics offer a general idea of typical potty training experiences, it's important to recognize that every child is unique and every potty training experience will be different. There will always be early and late trainers, and your child may fall into any end of the spectrum.

For parents of children struggling with potty training, rest assured there is no link between potty training traits and intelligence or future success. There has never been any research or study to find potty training correlates with anything or predicts anything for the future of a child. If your child is a late bloomer, they will eventually learn; it just might take longer than their peers.

Is it normal for a 4 or 5 year old to not be potty trained?

 Dr. Laura Markham, the founder of Aha! Parenting, is trained as a Clinical Psychologist at Columbia University—but she’s also a mom, so she understands kids—and how tough it is to be a parent. According to Dr. Markham, "A 4 or 5-year who still struggles sometimes with bathroom issues actually isn’t that uncommon. 4-5 year olds are very busy, and they get absorbed in what they are doing, It takes time for humans to learn just how long we can delay starting for the bathroom.” 

What percentage of 4 year olds are potty trained?

98 % of 4 year olds are potty trained. On the website, pediatrician and mother, Karen Enberg provides the following numbers: About 4 percent of children are toilet trained by age 2; about 22 percent by 2.5 years; 60 percent by 3 years; and 88 percent by 3.5 years. And 2 percent are still figuring it out at age 4. Sooner or later, your child will respond, and when she does, you'll both be glad it's over.

What percentage of 4 and 5 year olds are not potty trained and is it normal for a 4 or 5 year old to not be potty trained?

Since 2% of 4 year olds are not yet potty trained and less than 1% of 5 year olds, parents need to understand that it is normal and always a possibility that a child is one of the late bloomers. However, after the age of 4, it is essential to consult a medical professional to determine the underlying cause of the delayed potty training. There are a number of medical conditions that cause children to have bladder or bowel control issues.

Is it normal for a 4, 5 or 6 year old autistic child to not be potty trained?

Yes it is perfectly normal for a 4,5 or 6 year old to not be potty trained. According to SPARK "On average, children on the autism spectrum learn to use the toilet later than both typically developing children and children with other developmental conditions.

Among 4- to 5-year-olds, 49 percent of autistic children were not toilet trained, compared with 24 percent of children with developmental delay. By comparison, only 8 percent of typically developing children in that age range were not toilet trained, according to a 2022 study."

What is considered delayed potty training? 

Any age past 4 years of age is considered delayed potty training and the child should be under the care of a medical professional to investigate the cause which may be due to an underlying medical condition.

Is it normal for a 7 year old to not be potty trained?

While it is possible for children older than 6 years old to not be potty trained, it is not normal and professional medical advice is necessary to determine the cause. There are extreme cases where a child does not show readiness signs until much later and there are no unrelated medical conditions but it is rarely the case.

Potty training readiness signs indicate that a child is ready to start potty training regardless of age. Without the presence of the readiness signs, there is very little chance that any child will be successful potty training at any age. Potty training can't be forced because a child is about to start school, a parents is tired of changing diapers, peers are potty trained or relatives insist the child should be trained. Only when the child shows readiness signs should potty training be initiated, any other reason will backfire.

What are the potty training readiness signs?

Below is a checklist of the potty training readiness signs. Parents should observe the presence of the majority of the readiness signs before attempting to initiate potty training of any child at any age.

Is it normal for a 4 year old not to be potty trained

 While statistics can help parents know to seek professional help in certain cases, it's best not to get hung up on the numbers and comparing a child to his or her peers. Each child is different and has their own potty training experience that is unique. Some children potty train early and some train late and most fall in the middle. Where ever your child falls is alright, they will learn to use the toilet eventually.





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