Infant potty training - Elimination Communication

A Comprehensive Guide to Infant Potty Training or Elimination Communication

What is Elimination Communication? What is infant potty training?

Potty training is one of the major milestones children must conquer on their path to independence. There are numerous different potty training methods that parents employ when addressing this challenging milestone. One method that has been gaining traction in recent years is elimination communication (EC), also called infant potty training, a practice that involves tuning in to your baby's cues for potty needs rather than relying solely on diapers. This blog post will guide you through the world of elimination communication, discussing both its pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision about whether it's the right fit for your family.

The Basics of Elimination Communication

Before we dive into the pros and cons, let's establish a foundation for understanding what elimination communication is all about. Also known as infant potty training or natural infant hygiene, elimination communication is an age-old practice that involves recognizing and responding to a baby's cues for elimination, such as squirming, facial expressions, or sounds.

Pros of Elimination Communication

1. Early Communication and Bonding:

One of the most significant advantages of elimination communication is the early establishment of communication between you and your baby. Responding to their cues for elimination fosters a deep sense of connection and understanding. It's an incredible bonding experience that can strengthen the parent-child relationship from the very beginning.

2. Environmental Impact:

From an environmental perspective, EC is a win. The average baby goes through thousands of diapers before achieving toilet training. By practicing elimination communication, you reduce your reliance on disposable diapers, contributing to a smaller ecological footprint. Cloth diaper users may find EC even more appealing for this reason.

3. Promotes Independence:

EC encourages your baby to be aware of their bodily functions from an early age. As they grow, this awareness can translate into earlier independence in toilet training. Babies can learn to associate specific cues with elimination, paving the way for smoother transitions during the later stages of potty training.

4. Reduced Diaper Rash:

Babies in EC often experience fewer instances of diaper rash. Because you're responding promptly to your baby's cues, their skin spends less time in contact with moisture and waste. This can lead to healthier skin, less discomfort for your baby, and fewer visits to the diaper rash aisle at the store.

5. Cost Savings:

Financially, EC can be a cost-effective approach. With fewer diapers used overall, you'll spend less money on disposable diapers or laundry expenses for cloth diapers. Over the span of your child's early years, these savings can add up, allowing you to allocate resources to other important aspects of parenting.

Cons of Elimination Communication

1. Time and Commitment:

Practicing elimination communication requires a significant time investment, especially in the beginning. It involves observing your baby closely for cues and responding promptly. While this can be a rewarding experience, it may be challenging for parents with busy schedules or multiple responsibilities.

2. Accidents and Clean-Up:

Let's face it, accidents happen. EC isn't foolproof, and there will be times when you miss your baby's cues or they simply can't wait. This can result in messes that need to be cleaned up promptly. It's essential to be prepared for these situations and have a sense of humor about the occasional mishap.

3. Social Acceptance:

Elimination communication may not align with societal norms and expectations around baby care. Some people may find the practice unusual or impractical, leading to potential social discomfort when practicing EC in public or with family and friends. Be prepared to explain your choice and educate others about the benefits if you decide to pursue elimination communication.

4. Limited Caregiver Involvement:

If you're sharing caregiving responsibilities with others, such as grandparents, daycare providers, or babysitters, practicing elimination communication may be more challenging. Not everyone may be on board with the practice, and this lack of consistency can confuse your baby and impede progress.

5. Readiness Variation:

Every baby is different, and some may be more ready for elimination communication than others. If your baby is less receptive to the practice, it might require more patience and persistence. Trying to force a child into EC before they're ready can lead to frustration and setbacks.

Tips for Successful Elimination Communication

Now that we've explored the pros and cons, here are some tips to help you navigate the elimination communication journey successfully:

1. Start Gradually:

Begin by paying attention to your baby's cues during diaper changes. Gradually introduce the idea of using a potty or toilet, making it a natural extension of your routine.

2. Be Consistent:

Consistency is key. Respond promptly to your baby's cues, and try to maintain a consistent approach across different caregivers. This helps your baby understand the connection between their cues and the act of elimination.

3. Be Patient and Flexible:

Like any aspect of parenting, patience is crucial. Be flexible and adjust your approach based on your baby's cues and reactions. Remember that setbacks are normal, and progress may happen in fits and starts.

4. Educate Caregivers:

If you're sharing caregiving responsibilities, take the time to educate other caregivers about elimination communication. Provide them with the information and resources they need to support your efforts.

5. Celebrate Small Wins:

Celebrate the small victories. Whether it's your baby signaling successfully or using the potty independently, acknowledge and celebrate each milestone. Positive reinforcement can make the process more enjoyable for both you and your baby.


As a parent in midst of the challenging task of raising a happy, thriving, independent child, potty training is among the most difficult milestone for both parent and child. The method of elimination communication is a personal choice that comes with both advantages and challenges. The goal of this blog is to empower you with information so you can make decisions that align with your family's values and lifestyle. Whether you choose to embrace elimination communication or not, the most important thing is to create a nurturing and supportive environment for your baby's development.

Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, and what works for one family may not work for another. Trust your instincts, stay informed, and enjoy the journey of discovering what works best for you and your little one. Parenthood is an incredible adventure, and with each decision you make, you're shaping a unique and beautiful experience for your family. Happy parenting!

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